This post submitted by Minas [SIR]

Regarding ROCOR's Anathema against Sergianism

From Euphrosynos Cafe forum:

Re: ROCOR-A: Sergianism Formally Anathematized Imported Image.tiffby Icxypion »
Imported Image 1.tiffby Icxypion » Sun 7 April 2013 12:11 pm
Yes, it is a good step in the right direction. They may still need to be re-ordained and chrismated, and some whose baptism is recent possibly baptised, since they have been formally in communion for years with ecumenist heretics. If the bishops decide that they must be received back into the TOC with some degree of akriveia then they may find that requirement a bit too much to swallow. However, let us hope and pray for the best. Actually this may be something similar to the move towards a correction within SiR, who are now in dialogue with us to overcome impediments to intercommunion, namely the Cyprianite ecclesiological error.

• • •

– from a private discussion of Icxypion's comment [private, not on the forum]:

Comment from Reader Daniel [ROCOR], as told privately to Minas:
Well, a couple of things come to my mind regarding this: This mentality is what our Met. Agafangel labels, 'Mathewite extremism', of which we want no part.

And he is no stranger to the many divisions/arguments  among the Greek Old Calendarists, in fact, he has been personal friends for years, with many of their hierarchs. He knows them all.

Metr. Agafangel had chosen, deliberately, to go with the SIR to consecrate another bishop for us, (& thus putting his church in full inter-communion with the SIR, which the old ROCOR WAS ALSO IN!); he had been previously offered that same service from, his friend, GOC Chrysostomos of Athens (!).

But, he said in one of his blog comments, that he chose to not go with Chrysostomos, because he did not agree with or like, that, 'Mathewite exclusivistic extremism'.

Also, as our learned church-history and canon-law expert, Fr. Victor Dobroff has recently stated in his long & detailed declaration against that ridiculous, ROAC 'Anathema', hurled on both the SIR and our ROCA, ...'that though the SIR's ecclesiology and ours, is not exactly the same, yet it was fully accepted by the Synod of ROCOR Bishops as Orthodox, and so we too also still accept it'.  See previous post:

So yes, though some, like myself, HOPE for a real reapproachment of the GOC 'TOC'S', but from what I have read, our ROCA leading clergy and bishops, most likely, do not really care, – or they are afraid, still, of that extremism, (infecting our church), which to their minds, is NOT genuine or sound Orthodox thinking.

(Minas, because our bishops have to contend, every day, with the RUSSIAN lunacy among Russian extremists, plus the on-going Putin and MP persecution, their energies are exhausted and one can hardly expect them to want to get involved with Greek Old Calendar extremists).


In fact, such legalistic/latin extremism, is more the calling card of historic schismatics and heretics from the church, over the past ages.  It is more, insanity than anything else.

So... who is a 'True Orthodox Church' member, and who is not???
In our ROCA, we think that we are and so are our sister churches, the Greek SIR, the Romanian and Bulgarian Old Calendarists, etc.  WHICH IS WHY, we honour and highly respect them, and they... us.
BUT!... apparently those special people on Ecafe, do not approve (!)
Daniel...proud to not be in those deluded and arrogant peoples'... 'TOC'.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

As far as I'm concerned, the Matthewites are totally uncononical. After all their "saint" Bishop Matthew saw himself as the last true Orthodox bishop on earth (or at least the only one left in Greece) and unlawfully concecrated a bishop on his own. I know the GOC-K considers themselves the only true Greek synod as do the Matthewites, all 3 or more Matthewite synods, none in communion with the others, believing their selves to be the true Matthewites. Also, GOC-K or Matthewites don't recognize the vagante Autonomous Orthodox Metropolia of North and South America and the British Isles (Milan Synod)as valid either.
The Ecafe bunch are a 3 ring circus, none in communion with the others, save for some other non Greek synods who have a presence there. Not criticizing the others yet quick to gang up and call ROCA and SIR schismatics and heretics. Seems the only criteria at the Ecafe is you must declare the World Orthodox to be totally without grace and if your not willing to do that you are not Orthodox. I just love Icxypion mindless comment "They may still need to be re-ordained and chrismated, and some whose baptism is recent possibly baptised"... He would probably feel more at home if he left GOC-K and joined one of the Matthewite factions. With people like him in the GOC-K I see no hope for any future communion with SIR or ROCA.